Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trip cancelled. China has too many people.....


So my plan was to go to Guilin and have an excellent time with classmates for 3 nights and 4 days in one of the prettiest places in China.  Upon arriving at the train station, we decided to book tickets for our returning train (which we couldn't do earlier because you can't book tickets more than a week in advance....).  and EVERYTHING was sold out.  Did they have trains to nearby cities? No.  Did they have seats on the trains coming in a day earlier? No.  All they had was standing room.  On a 22 hour train?  Both the ticket sales lady and I laughed.  No way that's happening.  SOOOOOO, I ate a snicker's bar, went to pizza hut with my friends, and decided that we were going to have an AWESOME break in Shanghai instead.  But, really? Bummer.

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