Sunday, October 31, 2010


I finally got around to making it to the World Expo at Shanghai (上海世博 - literally: Shanghai World Museum) after many weeks of studying, hanging out with cool people, and doing other more interesting things.  I don't really like tourist places unless they have something really neat and unique to offer.  I like to learn about the history of places and go see them, just without the crowds and the repeated items everywhere.  Why would they ever want to make a 1000 copies of the same necklace?

What made it even cooler is that I got to go with a very special person: my Mom!  100 years from now, we will look back on this event and commemorate it as being a very special day.  Out of the 200 pavilions offered at the Expo, we managed to get into about 6 of them: Poland, some chinese metal industy, Africa, Colombia, USA (with our flashy VIP status), aaaaand Luxembourg.  All the other lines were at least a 2 hour wait.  Why would anyone ever want to stand in line for 2 hours, much less 6 hours for some of the pavillions!!?!?!  That's just crazy.

I'm tired, so I'm going to hold off from describing it for now. ;)  peace.

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