Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23rd

Hi Everyone!

I left Shanghai on Dec 22 at 4 pm and arrived in O'Hare on Dec 22nd at 4 pm.  Going back in time is pretty awesome (and a little boring, too).  My good friends, Emily, Alyson, Michelle, and my Mom surprised me at the airport by wearing reigndeer antlers and holding balloons to welcome my return - a huge difference from the long, lonesome walk back to the car!
The flight was uneventful.  I helped a Chinese lady from Suzhou in the seat next to me by letting her borrow my cellphone to call some people in Shanghai.  Started and finished "Norwegian Wood" by Harukami - who did "Underground".  Norwegian Wood is about 2 japanese youths falling love in modern times.  Outside of that, it's a little hard to explain.  Beautiful.

Alright.  off to bed.  I finished a show I was watching, and it has left me tired.  I should probably write these in the morning when I'm not so tired.

Up to you if you want to keep reading.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



and I'm off....back the the West.

Goodbye China.  For now.